Whether for business or pleasure people spend alot of time in their cars. Most drivers don’t realize that being in a car with clear windows allows the skin to absorb a full 99% dose of the sun’s harmful UV rays. Sure, it looks great to sport a year-round tan, but too much sun can result in premature aging of the skin in addition to increasing your risk of skin cancer. Getting your car tinted by Stereo Zone provides protection for the occupants of the car against the sun’s most harmful ultraviolet rays.
Although most cars today have the added convenience of air conditioning, having the sun beat down on your vehicle throughout your drive can still create uncomfortable conditions. Having window tinting applied to the windows of your vehicle can block almost three-forths of the solar energy that would normally enter your car through the windows. In addition to keeping your car cooler, this can also help you use less air conditioning resulting in improved gas mileage.
Stereo Zone has heard from many customers that they felt much safer leaving belongings and valuables inside their vehicle once they had their windows tinted by our professional technicians. This is because people passing by and would be thieves could no longer get a peek of exactly what was inside the car. The window film once applied will also make the glass stronger thus making it more difficult to break into. If you want to go a step above security, make sure to check out our car alarm page.
Most drivers would agree, window tinting makes your vehicle look more luxurious and attractive. Place any two cars of the same make, model and year side by side, and time and time again onlookers will consider the car with the windows tinted as looking newer, more attractive and even a higher reasle value.

What you need to consider when upgrading your car stereo.